Sunday, January 14, 2007

Quiz Topics

Circle Geometry

We have reached the end of this chapter. Quiz will be on Monday. Test is on Wednesday.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Circle Geometry: Perpendicular Bisector/ Centre

Friday's class was homework correction and exam review. On Monday I was out, and the substitute went over more review.

Today, we used paper folding to show the following two statements:

The perpendicular bisector of a chord passes through the center of a chord.
A line connected to the center of the circle and the midpoint of a chord is perpendicular to the chord.

These statements are essentially converses of each other, and we rewrote them using "iff".

We also looked at applying the slope, midpoint, and distance formulas to circles and chords.

Homework 1st period: p.211 #13,15,17,19,20 (completed and corrected in class)
Homework 2nd period: p.231 #31,35

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Circle Geometry: Chord Properties 1

Most of class was consumed using super awesome paper folding and cut-out circles to prove the information on the boards above.

Homework was Q10,11 from 4.1 as well as finishing off homework from the previous day.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Circle Geometry: Slope, Midpoint, Distance

Sorry for the dark pictures, I'll work on rectifying that in the future.

Homework: p.223 #4,8,9 p.227 #17,20