Friday, November 03, 2006

QUIZ MONDAY - Solving for an unknown in the exponent

A double dose of mathematics today! First period was more difficult questions concerning solving for the equation in the unknown. We worked on p.160 #14,16 in class.

Second period involved correcting the work from the previous period and rewriting radicals in terms of a base to an exponent. Homework for the weekend:

p.164 #7(odd only),8(odd only),10(odd only),12

The quiz on Monday will cover the following topics:
  • Is an exponential function growth or decay? (discussed on p.114)
  • Using the Laws of Exponents to simplify expressions (p.169 #22 a-p)
  • Simplifying equations with negative/zero exponents (p.121 #38)
  • Solving for an unknown in the exponent (p.160 #12,13,16)
I can point people in the direction of further example questions on request.


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