Thursday, November 09, 2006

Graphing y=ab^x + c

Double period. We investigated the following 8 exponential functions using the TI-83. If you MISSED the class, you should be certain to do each of these:

y = 2^x
y+4 = 3(2)^x
y-3 = 2^x
y+1 = 0.5(2)^x
y = 16(2)^x
y = 4(2)^(x+2)
y = 2^(x+4)
y-3 = 0.5^(x-3)

For each of these functions, we found:
  • Growth or decay (growth when the base > 1, decay when 0 <>
  • y-intercept (set x=0)
  • root (using the graphing calculator to calculate, if it exists)
  • equation of the asymptote (equal to the vertical translation, OR graph the function in the TI-83, look at your table of values, and see what value y is approaching as x gets larger or smaller)
After investigating these questions, the following was assigned for homework:


for each of these questions, find ONLY:
  • Growth or decay?
  • y-intercept
  • equation of the asymptote
  • Root (if it exists)
  • Domain/Range
Plus find the domain and range for each of the previous 8 equations.


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